Weathered by Philden Showcase 28

Finally, I got around to weathering the NSW candy RUB style carriages that were supposed to form the basis of my short North Coast passenger train operations on Philden Beach, only for, umm.... well... something to befall those plans and instead lead me to list my remaining NSW 1980's era rollingstock on eBay.

Exactly what that was is the subject of a blog post all of its own! But until then, here's a look at the few models that I did manage to successfully weather and photograph before shutting down my plans. Hopefully these will all go to excited new owners, while whatever I get back from their sale can go directly into my own layout's disaster fund as I cut my losses and go back to concentrating solely on the 2013+ era.

An SDS Models LHO brake van looking like it has just returned from a long trip north.

RUB car no SBS 2240. The model is by Auscision. (Very top photo features the matching SFS type).

An SDS Models NZMF milk tanker with the Peter's Milk logo on the tank.

And another NZMF, this time with the plain silver milk tank.

Click the banner above to be taken directly to my model railway listings.

Since my last weathered update in April this year, I have now passed the 250 models mark that I have weathered and sold. With my book Model Railway Weathered Wonders originally being the catalyst for this great little side project, I hope to at least keep my skills sharpened by still weathering a few more models as time and money permit. Perhaps as I move further into working on my OO9 layout?

However, with my Australian shelf layout no longer in need of any further rollingstock, I very much doubt there will be any more Australian HO scale models to follow. So, if you want to grab anything, there are only 20 weathered models still listed on eBay.

Each model I sell comes with a signed certificate from myself as a way of saying thank you!

For my own record...
Models sold 256/276


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